This is the timeline for the process of getting Emily. It looks like it will be 18 months from LID to Referral for me.



My paperwork went to China on 11/25/05.
My official DTC date is 11/30/05. WOO HOO!!!


NOV 17th

I received the BROWN ENVELOPE today from the American Consulate in Guangzhou. ooooh ahhhh. Basically it means that they have received my approval from the US to bring in an adopted child and make her an american citizen. It has all sorts of paperwork in this evelope, stuff to fill out to get Emily a visa so she can travel from China to the US. I've been told not to touch this stuff until I actually get to China. This packet also has a map of where the consulate is located, and some cool looking stuff in Chinese. It's official, they know I'm coming for Emily. I'm so excited right now!!!


Nov 14th

Adoptions Together emailed me requesting a copy of my home study agency's license. So I had to call Nathanson's today and ask them to mail that in to AT.

I also inquired about expiration dates of various things. I'm worried that my home study, finger prints or 171H will expire before I get to go to China, now that there is a delay in the processing. I'm still not sure, I'll have to check everything out when I get home tonight.


Nov 10th 2005

Spoke with my agency to confirm they received my dossier. Anna says it looks great and they sent it to be translated yesterday. WOO HOO. She also says that one of the fees went up, and I owe another $40.00. boo! But that's okay! Also she told me great news, that they are trying to have everything sent to China by Nov 20th! She said she would call and let me know. So I'm super excited about that. YAY! YAY YAY!!!


Nov 7th

FedEx delivered my Dossier to my agency. It didn't get lost or destroyed or anything, something I worried about all weekend long. whew!

Nov 4

I FedEx my completed Dossier to Adoptions Together today. THANK GOD I'M DONE!!